Monstera, is a popular tropical houseplant known for its unique, glossy leaves. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you care for your Monstera:
- Indirect Light: Monstera plants thrive in bright, indirect light. They can tolerate lower light conditions, but their growth may slow down, and fenestrations may be less pronounced.
- Avoid Direct Sunlight: Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, so it's best to provide filtered or indirect light.
- Moderate Watering: Allow the top inch or two of soil to dry out between waterings. Water thoroughly, but avoid overwatering, as Monstera plants are susceptible to root rot.
- Watering Frequency: Water when the soil feels dry to the touch. Adjust watering frequency based on environmental conditions and the plant's needs.
- Average Indoor Humidity: They can adapt to average indoor humidity levels, but they appreciate higher humidity. Mist the leaves occasionally or use a humidifier if the air is dry.
- Temperature: Monstera plants prefer temperatures between 18-29°C. They can tolerate slightly cooler temperatures but should be protected from drafts and sudden temperature changes.