Monstera Thai Constellation is a popular and striking variety of the Monstera deliciosa plant, known for its beautiful variegated leaves with splashes of creamy white. Here's a detailed guide on how to care for your Monstera Thai Constellation:

- Bright, Indirect Light: Provide your Monstera Thai Constellation with bright, indirect sunlight. They can tolerate lower light but will grow slower and with less variegation and the white variegation may develop brown marks
- Avoid Direct Sunlight: Direct sunlight can burn the leaves, especially the variegated parts which are more sensitive.

- Water when practically all of soil is dry, monsteras can be more prone to root rot, so make sure you are checking the soil.
- Avoid Overwatering: Ensure the pot has good drainage to prevent root rot. Allow excess water to drain away after watering.

- High Humidity: These plants prefer high humidity. Increase humidity by using a humidifier, placing a tray of water near the plant, or misting the leaves regularly.

- Warm Temperatures: Maintain a temperature range of 18-27°C. Avoid placing the plant in drafty areas or near heating/cooling vents.